Archive for July, 2011

And so I begin.

My inspiration and motivation is my daughter.  She has been blogging about teaching math for over 2 years.  And through her blog she got a permanent position and lost a temporary position.  (That’s a tale she will tell.)

I must admit that my first impression was that blogging was a little arrogant.  I mean, who really cares what I thought, did, said, …?  What do I have to share and who would be interested in it?

Then I realized that through her blog and the blogs of other teachers my daughter has a cohort of colleagues.  Who exchange information on interactions with students, instructional strategies, educational resources, who commiserate, sympathize, empathize and support each other.  And send out the much appreciated “Way to go!”

This ‘cohort’ is larger in number than a math department at a school, maybe even larger than the faculty at a school.  And they are ALL engaged – they blog, comment, discuss because they are interested.  Boy, I wish I could say that all the people I speak to at my school are that interested.

I’ve already ‘met’ some of these educators by commenting on my daughter’s blog.  The other day she was ‘talking’ to one of them and I was adding to what she was saying.  Kind of cool.

And so I begin.  I often process by verbalizing, now I will process by writing so be patient as I find my stride.

Then I’ll be up and running.